Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Its a girls sport !

OK, most of you are pretty sure that my only hobby in Second Life is blowing stuff up...well your wrong, sort of.
So what the hell does Maya do, she drag races and you would know that if you ever came to watch me race dammit, and me not telling you is no excuse, I think. 

Oh hell yeah, and its awesome. 
Amber is the place to be if your a drag racer, and the ladies there build the best damn cars in Second Life....unless your a NOOB with one of those damn imports with 500 bad scripts and think your king shit because you don't know shit about racing, that makes you an idiot or a 12 year old.

Beautiful women and fast cars....yeah, that is me with one of my cars in Frankie's Garage at Amber.
Why am I dressed like that ? Because it was supposed to be funny but at 4:00am I cant think of a damn thing to say that will make it seem funny, so screw it and just admire my car, or me I really don't care which.

The car in the photo above was made by the very lovely Melody, a T&S Motors designer and builder. I have about 12 T&S cars I think, they are $3000L a pop and worth every damn cent. They have wicked low script times and great options for tuning. Not to mention they are MOD! rip it apart and make it your own creation from hell. There are so many cars to choose from its crazy, Top Fuel Dragsters, Slingshots, Pro Mods, Drag Bikes, Funny Cars and more...Chevy, Ford, Mopar, Olds...or even the Munsters Dragula! 
There are 4 lanes for you haul ass down and have your nitrous fed orgasm and 300mph, just don't cream on the track, traction is a good thing.

Well damn, here I was thinking I would have something interesting to say, I guess I was wrong.

I wasn't sure what I would write about day after day, what if I run out of crap to talk about ? And yeah, it will mostly be crap. But after thinking and I will admit a little of my inner evil came out on this one, I decided to dedicate a blog to all the freaks, rejects, wannabes, and ugly hoes of Second Life. Not sure what I mean, I have provided a photo we will call EXHIBIT A. 
The most common of all Second Life freaks are the..I hate to call them women, or even human really, but to make it easy to follow we will call them "WTF's". 

Here is your typical Second Life WTF.

Notice the deformity of the hips and legs....try not to vomit, I know it is not a easy thing to look at but this may save your life some day, not really but hey.

So as of tomorrow I will be searching Second Life for the WTF's and will bring them here to see and pour bleach in to your eyes afterwards.
I will call it..................


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